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W.e.f. Jan 2023
WHERE ARE YOU LOCATED?TBA @ THOMSON: 244E Upper Thomson Rd Singapore 574369 TBA @ SAFRA TOA PAYOH: 293 Toa Payoh #02-01 SAFRA Toa Payoh Singapore 319387
HOW DO I GET TO YOUR STUDIO?TBA @ THOMSON By MRT: Nearest MRT Station: Upper Thomson 1-minute walk By Bus: Nearest Bus Stops: Bef Thomson Ridge, Bef Jalan Todak Buses Available: 52, 130, 132, 162M, 162, 163, 165, 166, 167, 410G, 410W, 855, 980 3-4 minute walk Driving & Parking: Street Parking Available Nearest Carparks: Thomson V Two (Shopping Centre Basement Carpark) TBA @ SAFRA TOA PAYOH By MRT: Nearest MRT: Toa Payoh (North-South Line) 15-minute walk By Bus: Nearest Bus Stop: In front of Toa Payoh Stadium Buses Available: 8, 26, 31, 57, 59, 142, 235, 238, 506 ​Driving & Parking: Nearest Carparks: Safra Toa Payoh, Toa Payoh Stadium, Toa Payoh Swimming Complex, Kim Keat Link Carpark (2 to 5-minute walk)
WHAT ARE THE STUDIO HOURS?Please visit our Contact page for our studio hours.
AM I TOO OLD TO START LEARNING BALLET?Nobody is ever too old to start learning ballet! We have programs that cater to all ages and abilities. Contact us to enquire which program is right for you.
I DO NOT HAVE ANY EXPERIENCE AND AM LOOKING TO START BALLET AS AN ADULT. WHAT ARE YOUR ADULT BALLET CLASSES LIKE?Our Adult Ballet Classes are designed for adults of all ages and abilities to drop-in anytime. They are suitable for those with or without prior ballet training. These non-syllabus classes all focus on ballet training, but with different emphasis on technique, fitness, or stretching to cater to specific needs of the students. Find out more on our Adult Ballet Class page which class is suitable for you!
HOW CAN I BOOK A SPOT FOR THE ADULT BALLET CLASSES?You must contact us to book any Adult Ballet Class at least 6 hours before class to ensure your spot. You may contact us via SMS/Whatapp to +65 9785 5989, or email us at If you cannot attend class, you must notify us about cancellation at least 6 hours before the class time.
WHAT ATTIRE SHOULD I COME IN?We have attire requirements for each grade. Attire can be ordered and purchased at our studio. Students must dress in the required attire for each class. In addition, all students hair must be neatly secured in a bun with stray hair away from the face. All students must be appropriately groomed for class. Contact us for more information on attire requirements for each grade. For Adult Ballet Classes, please wear form-fitting attire that is comfortable and can dance in. It is recommended you wear a leotard and pair of tights or leggings / tight sweat pants or shorts paired with a tank top or t-shirt (men) with ballet shoes. Ballet shoes can also be ordered and purchased at our studio.
DO I NEED TO BE IN FULL ATTIRE IF I AM COMING FOR A TRIAL CLASS?We advise that you come in recommended attire, but if you are unable to do so, you can come in anything you are comfortable in and can stretch in, e.g. track pants or leggings and a tank top with socks.
CAN BOYS / MEN COME FOR CLASS?Absolutely! #BoysDanceToo. Ballet is not only for girls, but boys and men dance as well. Ballet is a perfect way for boys to develop their strength, flexibility, coordination and express themselves through dance!
HOW LONG IS ONE TERM? HOW MANY LESSONS ARE THERE IN A TERM?One term is 3 months long. Each term commences on the 1st day of the first month and ends on the last day of the third month, with only 10 weeks of lessons. There will be no lessons in the remaining weeks, unless otherwise advised. Commitment to a term is mandatory. Our yearly schedule is as follows: Term 1: May–July Term 2: August–October Term 3: November–January Term 4: February–April Each term will have a term break where classes will be suspended and the school will be closed. Term breaks will be announced and students will be notified when letters are sent out for next term payment – at least 6 weeks in advance of the new term. The school will also be closed during all Public Holidays, as gazzetted by the Government of Singapore.
HOW LONG IS EACH CLASS?Class length varies by grade. Refer to the table below find out how long each class is: DTYT – Primary | 45 min Grade 1 – Grade 5 | 60 min Grade 6 – Grade 8 | 90 min Inter Foun – Adv Foun | 90 min Teens & Adults | 60 min Pointe / Ballet Repertoire | 90 min For Adult Ballet Class: please refer to our Adult Ballet Class page for the various class levels and lengths.
HOW OFTEN AM I TO COME TO CLASS?Students are only required to come once a week during the assigned class time. Students are to attend twice a week from Grade 4 onwards. As the timing gets closer to the exam dates, students going for the exam in grades Pre-Primary to Grade 3 will come for an additional coaching class session once a week. For Adult Ballet Class, you can come for as many or little classes as you want!
WHAT IF I AM LATE TO CLASS?Students must arrive on-time for every class. Tardiness will not be tolerated over a long period of time. For Adult Ballet Class: students who arrive more than 15 minutes late will not be allowed into the class due to safety reasons.
I HAVE MISSED A CLASS. AM I ALLOWED TO MAKE-UP THE CLASS?Refunds will not be given for a missed class. Students are heavily encouraged not to miss any classes. If a student will be absent from class due to sickness, family or school events, holidays or personal reasons, the student must inform the studio beforehand. Students may come for a make-up class to replace the missed class only if the reason for a missed class is MC (medical reason) or a school event. In each case, the student must provide us with proof of valid forms from the doctor or school. Make-ups will not be provided for any other reason. For Adult Ballet Class: Make-up classes are not allowed for students who have purchased a class package. Make-ups are not available for packages that have expired.
I WILL BE AWAY ON HOLIDAY AND WILL BE MISSING A CLASS. CAN I MAKE-UP THE CLASS?Students are not allowed to make-up classes if they will be away on holiday. Make-ups are only provided if the reason is MC (medical reason) or a school event. In addition, refunds will not be given for a missed class. For Adult Ballet Class: Make-up classes are not allowed for students who have purchased a class package. Make-ups are not available for packages that have expired.
I WILL BE ON HOLIDAY AND WILL MISS CLASS. CAN YOU PRORATE MY TERM FEES OR PROVIDE A REFUND FOR THE MISSED SESSION?Prorated term fees only apply to new students who enroll in the middle of the term. If a student is to miss a session due to being on holiday, refunds or prorated term fees will not be given. Students must pay for the term in full, even if they know prior that they will be missing a class. Students must commit to an entire term and pay the full term fees. Furthermore, there are no refunds of term fees after payment has been made.
I WOULD LIKE TO WITHDRAW FROM MY CLASSES.Students’ enrolment in the school is on a continuous basis unless a student wants to withdraw. If students would like to withdraw, a withdrawal slip (can be received from the front desk) must be filled out. Only a written form will be considered for withdrawal by the student or parent. The withdraw form must be completed and submitted before the end of the term. The deposit will be refunded only upon one month of withdrawal notice before the new term starts. E.g. Feb– April Term, must notify by 31 March. The deposit will only be refunded in cheque only. If the withdrawal notice is less than one month before the new term starts, then no refund of the deposit will be given.
I WOULD LIKE TO WITHDRAW IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TERM. CAN I GET A REFUND ON MY TERM FEES?No refunds will be given if a student decides to withdraw in the middle of the term. The student must forfeit the amount of term fees left of the term. Students are not recommended to withdraw in the middle of the term. Withdrawals must occur at the beginning/end of each term.
WHAT IF THERE IS A CHANGE IN THE SCHEDULE?We reserve the right to change the advertised schedule and teacher without prior notice. Students wishing to make a class change must first obtain approval from the teacher, as well as confirm a free slot in the class they wish to transfer into. For Adult Ballet Class: Please visit back frequently for changes of class, teachers and timings.
WHAT IF THERE IS A CHANGE OF TEACHER?We reserve the right to change the advertised schedule and teacher without prior notice. Classes will be assigned another teacher should the teacher be absent due to illness, vacation, or resignation/termination of employment from The Ballet Academy Pte Ltd. Notice of replacement teacher will the posted on the studio door. For Adult Ballet Class: Teachers are subject to change without prior notice. Check back frequently to the Adult Ballet Class Schedule page for the latest updates.
WHEN IS TERM BREAK? ARE THERE CLASSES ON PUBLIC HOLIDAYS?Each term, there will be one term break. Thus in the calendar year, there will be 4 term breaks. Term breaks will be announced at the beginning of each cycle, except for the term break in the February to April term. This term break will be confirmed after the announcement of the RAD Exam dates which occur yearly in March or April. The studio is closed and classes will not be held on all Public Holidays as gazzetted by the Government of Singapore. The studio will be closed for the following 4 holidays on both the eve and day-of: Chinese New Year, Hari Raya Puasa, Deepavali, and Christmas. For term breaks and Public Holidays, no make-up classes will be scheduled, and no refund of term fees will be given in lieu of any classes which would otherwise have been held on the aforementioned days.
WHEN ARE THERE NO CLASSES?The studio will be closed on Public Holidays and term breaks. Term breaks will be announced and students will be notified when letters are sent out for next term payment, at least 6 weeks in advance of the new term. Each term will have a term break. For Adult Ballet Class: There will be no class and the studio will be closed on Public Holidays. Classes will be held throughout term breaks of the regular term schedule. However, if there are unexpected closures, students will be notified and updates will be posted on the Adult Ballet Class Schedule page, social media and via SMS/WhatsApp or email.
AM I ALLOWED TO OBSERVE MY CHILD’S CLASS?It is a studio policy that parents are not allowed to observe classes. Classes will be conducted behind closed doors.
WHAT IS THE CLASS CANCELLATION POLICY?We will inform students and parents beforehand is a class is canceled. In most cases, we will schedule a new time for the class to be held, however, if no new class is scheduled, then a refund will be given.
WHEN DO THE STUDENTS GO FOR EXAMS?The RAD exam cycle is in March-April. Vocational exams occur in August-September. Going for examinations is optional to the student and is subject to the discretion of the teacher. We require additional examination fees, including attire, administration, mock-exam and coaching classes, if the student wishes to go for exams. Contact us for more information on RAD exams and exam fees.
HOW CAN I REGISTER AND MAKE PAYMENT?All new students (including Adult Ballet Class students) must fill out a registration form and complete payment before class starts. Payment can be made by cash, cheque (made out to "The Ballet Academy Pte Ltd") or PayNow. For our registered classes (non-Adult Ballet Class), there is a refundable deposit of one term's fees for new students. The deposit will be refunded upon one month of withdrawal notice before the new term starts. E.g. Feb–Apr Term, must notify of withdraw before 31 March. If withdrawal notice is less than one month before the new term starts, then no refund of the deposit will be given. New classes require a minimum of 3 students to begin. As of September 2020, there is also a non-refundable registration fee of $50 for all new students, including Adult Ballet students that purchase a class package and private students. Please approach our front desk reception for assistance in registration and making payment. Reception may also answer any questions you may have regarding these processes, as well as general inquiries.
IS THERE A REGISTRATION FEE IF I SIGN UP?Yes, all students are required to pay a non-refundable registration fee of $50 when signing up for class or purchasing an Adult Ballet Class plan. For example, all registered class (DTYT1 + 2, RAD Graded, Ballet for Teens, and Ballet for Adults graded, Pointe and Ballet Repertoire) students must pay the $50 registration fee when paying term fees to sign up for a class. All Adult Ballet Class students students must pay the $50 registration fee when they purchase a class package.
WHAT PAYMENT MODES DO YOU ACCEPT?We accept payment with cash, cheque (made out to "The Ballet Academy Pte Ltd") or PayNow. We do not accept credit card, NETS or any other form of payment at the moment.
HOW MUCH ARE CLASS/TERM FEES?Each term is 3 months long. Term fees vary by grade. Students must commit to an entire term. Term fees are inclusive of GST. Term fees will be prorated accordingly only if a student joins in the middle of the term. Please contact us to enquire more about term fees. You may elect to do a trial class before committing to a term. Trial class fees vary by grade. Refer below to find out how much a trial class is for your grade below: DTYT – Primary | $25 per session Grade 1 – Grade 5 | $35 per session Grade 6 – Grade 8 | $45 per session Inter Foun – Adv Foun | $50 per session Ballet for Teens & Adults (Graded) | $35 per session Pointe / Ballet Repertoire | $50 per session ​ For Adult Ballet Class: Check out our trial class fees for each class and various class packages on our Adult Ballet Class page. All prices are subject to change.
WHAT IS YOUR REFUND POLICY?There are no refunds or exchanges, except with term fees deposit for non-Adult Ballet Class students. The deposit will be refunded upon one month of withdrawal notice before the new term starts. E.g. Feb-April Term, must notify of withdrawl before 31 March. If the withdrawal notice is less than one month before the new term starts, then no refund of the deposit will be given. For Adult Ballet Class: There are no refunds or exchanges and class packages are non-transferrable. You can write in to to explain your situation but decisions will only be made on a case by case basis.
REGISTRATIONa. Students will only be allowed to attend any program or class upon full payment of all applicable fees. b. Registration may be open for programs or classes which have already commenced, at the sole discretion of The Ballet Academy. Fees will be pro-rated accordingly. c. Registration is not transferrable to any other person.
CHANGE OR CANCELLATION OF CLASSESa. The Ballet Academy reserves the right to change or cancel a scheduled class, or to change the instructor, as and when necessary. b. A cancelled class will be re-scheduled by The Ballet Academy. This may be re-scheduled to a different day and/or a different time from when the class was originally scheduled
WITHDRAWAL AND NO REFUNDa. No refund of any fees will be made for any class missed by a student under any circumstances. b. No refund of any fees will be made for any withdrawal by a student from any program. A request for refund may be submitted to The Ballet Academy Pte Ltd if the reason for withdrawal is due to medical reasons supported by certified medical documents. c. The Ballet Academy reserves the right to accept or reject any request for refund after assessing the circumstances on a case-by-case basis and its decision will be final.
CONDUCT OF STUDENTSa. Students must diligently follow and observe all rules, guidelines of etiquette, discipline, conduct, attire and procedure set by The Ballet Academy from time to time. Outside shoes must be left at the door and not be worn into the studio building. b. Students are required to observe punctuality in attending classes. Attendance is taken at the beginning of every class. Late comers without valid reasons may not be permitted to join the class. c. Students are responsible for their own belongings and The Ballet Academy is not responsible for any lost or damaged belongings. d. The Ballet Academy reserves the right to terminate a student from any programme if he/she, in The Ballet Academy's sole opinion, is deemed to not have shown any interest in learning during class, has discipline problems and/or fails to meet any of the program requirements. There will be no refund of any fees.
DATA PROTECTION AND PRIVACYa. You agree that you have read, understood and consent to The Ballet Academy Pte Ltd collecting, using, disclosing and processing your personal data in the manner set forth in our privacy policy. By attending our classes, courses and/or programmes, you agree to our collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal data to the extent necessary to process your requests and provide you with our services. b. The Ballet Academy Pte Ltd will not share your personal data beyond the company. We are permitted to share your information only when we have obtained your permission to do so or where the law requires.
INDEMNITY AND LIABILITYa. Every care will be taken to ensure the well-being of the students during class. However, classes may be physically strenuous and participation is based on an understanding and knowledge that there is risk of personal injury. The Ballet Academy shall not be liable for any loss, damage, injury, death, penalty, cost, expense and/or any other consequences arising from and/or in connection with any of its classes or programs to the fullest extent as may be permitted under the applicable laws and regulations. b. You agree, at all times, to indemnify and hold harmless The Ballet Academy, its owners, management, staff and members against all losses, liabilities, claims, actions, proceedings, orders, penalties and costs (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) howsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the participant and/or the undersigned, while in or upon the premises or in route to or from any of said premises. c. I understand that appropriate physical contact is required during the instruction of dance, and I give permission for instructors to make appropriate physical contact with me or my child for such instruction.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYa. All exercises, class sequences and materials taught in class remain the property of The Ballet Academy. They cannot be taught (or performed) outside the studio without the prior written approval of The Ballet Academy. b. Prior approval by The Ballet Academy must be granted before any form of recording (photography or video recording) to be taken. All recording (photographs and videos) shall be for personal use only and not for any commercial use.
PHOTO/VIDEO RELEASE AND AGREEMENTa. By registering, you consent to The Ballet Academy Pte Ltd using photography and/or videography taken of you and/or your child to be used for purpose of marketing.
GOVERNING LAWa. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore.
AMENDMENTS AND CHANGESa. The Ballet Academy reserves the right to review, change and/or amend these terms and conditions from time to time as it deems fit.
AGREEMENTa. By enrolling yourself or child in the school, you would have been deemed to have accepted the Terms and Conditions.
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